Spike News
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To our IKE Customers and Community, Like all businesses, we are continuing to monitor and respond to COVID-19. Our focus at IKE is on the health and well-being of our people, their families, andRead More
If you have ever had a great day fielding poles you have experienced the mental bliss that comes from a successful day in the field. This joy, while not often acknowledged, is what truly drivesRead More
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26 July 2016
Wouldn’t it be great if site surveys and estimates didn’t drag down the sales process? Site surveys and estimates require a major investment in time, manpower and even expenses. However, Spike, a laser measurement solution, streamlines the entire sales process and allows you to conduct business more cost-efficiently. Simply attach Spike to a smartphone or tablet, take a picture of the survey area, and all the measurements you need are saved within the photo. You can now turn around more surveys in a day and better manage operating costs.
But don’t take our word for it. Here, our customers share how Spike has helped them solve some of the biggest problems in the field.
“Each day we use Spike, the investment pays back. Spike enables us to go to the job site, take measurements, record details and leave. We no longer need to have a ladder to estimate projects, such as lightbox replacements. For estimating purposes, this is the perfect tool to increase your productivity.”
–Tom Weber, FASTSIGNS Minnetonka and Eden Prairi
“Having those quick measurements makes life easy. I always hear from clients that they’ve had to wait anywhere from a few days to two or three weeks to get a design from other sign shops, so turning around a design so quickly really helps in staying ahead of the competition. Overall, Spike easily cuts the time I spend on a signage project in half.”
–Glenn Chambers, Freeman Signs
“Spike has saved me from having to return to a lot of my sites. Now I take all the pictures I can using my iPad and Spike and store them for future reference. If I take a picture of every side of the building, I’m usually well-covered.”
–Kathy Green, Signarama Naperville
“Our sales staff can easily take a photo while out in the field and either upload the photo to the Spike Cloud to measure back at the office or on the spot in front of the customer. Since using Spike, we’ve been able to win more bids because we can turn around more estimates in a day.”
–Kyle Freeman, Lightning Quick Signs
“I would measure the exterior of a building the old-fashioned way, such as counting bricks or measuring something on the building and scaling it from that, but it wasn’t always productive. When your tape measure is flapping in the wind, it’s frustrating and challenging. You’re not getting the measurements you need.”
–Brad Beller, Image 360 Scottsdale
Do these problems also plague your sales process? Learn more about how Spike can help you manage your sales process more efficiently.
For Ryan Cain, YESCO branch manager of the St. George, Utah office, conducting site surveys for signage work was traditionally an expensive process, … Continue reading "5 Pesky Sales Problems That Spike Solves"
Celebrating six years of ISA Membership, seven years serving the sign and graphics industry, and over 50,000Spike users worldwide! Get the most valuable … Continue reading "5 Pesky Sales Problems That Spike Solves"
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