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To our IKE Customers and Community, Like all businesses, we are continuing to monitor and respond to COVID-19. Our focus at IKE is on the health and well-being of our people, their families, andRead More
If you have ever had a great day fielding poles you have experienced the mental bliss that comes from a successful day in the field. This joy, while not often acknowledged, is what truly drivesRead More
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25 May 2017
ikeGPS announces today its partnership with C3F-Tech of Quebec, Canada, for delivering the most complete solution for collecting and managing utility pole data for applications, such as Joint Use Audits, Make Ready Engineering, Pole Replacement Programs and Post Construction As-built Audits. The electric utility and telecommunication industries and their networks of contractors have been hampered for decades by the traditional methods of collecting and managing information about their utility poles and aerial distribution networks. Today, ikeGPS and C3F-Tech are announcing the release of integration between IKE 4 and Pole Position, which delivers an end-to-end solution for reducing the cost of getting superior data and providing a single platform for managing pole related work transactions.
IKE 4 is the only handheld integrated solution that delivers better efficiency, safety and Photo Verifiable Accuracy of measurements and geo-location for utility poles. “Over the past several years we’ve been very pleased with the steady adoption of IKE by electric utilities and communication companies,” said Mike McGill, Senior Vice President for the Utilities Business Unit at ikeGPS. McGill went on to say that “Our latest release of IKE is driving a faster pace of adoption, as utilities of all sizes find that IKE 4 is easy to learn, deploy and integrate with the applications they use most, like pole loading and GIS.” IKE is the smarter, faster, safer front- end to a broader workflow. Using IKE 4 and Pole Position together means that utilities can leverage the native data collected with IKE 4 by automating its completion, validation and publishing in virtually any format, as prescribed by the requirements of the customers’ workflow. “We’re excited about partnering with C3F-Tech and integrating with Pole Position, because we know the integrated approach drives better efficiency and quality for the utilities and communication companies we serve,” said McGill.
Initially built around IKE 3, Pole Position is a software system that was developed to integrate the data and improve the efficiency of C3F’s internal workflow. Pole Position now directly interfaces the IKE Field & Office Cloud and processes the native data produced by IKE 4. Pole Position automates processes, such as data validation, regulatory compliance and automatic transcription, generation and assembly of documents such as pole data sheets and joint-use permit requests, regardless of their format and presentation standard.
“Within the first year after we started to create software to integrate the unique technology developed by ikeGPS into C3F’s Telecom workflow, we realized that we had reached a point of rupture with our traditional ways. Once quantified, the benefits exceeded our expectations and this is what compelled us launching C3F-Tech to develop and enhance Pole Position as a generic system for commercialization,” says Michel Jarry, President and CEO of C3F-Tech.
About C3F-Tech
C3F-Tech Inc is a technology spin-off from C3F Telecom Inc, a Canadian Profit 500 company that has been engineering and building telecommunication networks since 2001. C3F-Tech is entirely dedicated to engineering innovative systems helping the public utilities, their joint users and engineering service providers do their work better, faster and more productively. For more information, please visit us at c3f-tech.com or write us at [email protected].
For Ryan Cain, YESCO branch manager of the St. George, Utah office, conducting site surveys for signage work was traditionally an expensive process, … Continue reading "ikeGPS Announces Partnership With C3F-Tech"
Celebrating six years of ISA Membership, seven years serving the sign and graphics industry, and over 50,000Spike users worldwide! Get the most valuable … Continue reading "ikeGPS Announces Partnership With C3F-Tech"
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