ikeGPS Introduces Digidelta as New European Spike Reseller

16 June 2016

ikeGPS announces that it is expanding international distribution for Spike, a laser measurement solution, to the sign and digital graphics market in Spain and Portugal through its new reseller deal with Digidelta.
“With a major focus on expanding Spike’s European distribution, we’re thrilled to have Digidelta on board to serve the Spanish and Portuguese markets,” says Jeff Ross, senior vice president of new market development at ikeGPS. “We believe these markets have great potential for Spike, and we’re ready to support Digidelta in its efforts to bring the latest technology that benefits its sign and digital graphics customers in these markets.”
Spike allows sign and digital graphics professionals to quickly capture measurements for estimates of the width, height and area of signage locations from a smartphone or tablet picture and the Spike device. A ladder, bucket truck and tape measure are no longer required to create estimates, saving sign companies time and overhead costs on a traditionally lengthy process.
The measurements of the sign or graphic location are saved with the Spike photo and can be shared with customers, designers or production team to create job estimates and design proofs, assess installation and complete permit applications. If additional measurements are needed, users can refer to their saved Spike photos at any time to make modifications using the Spike mobile app or Spike Cloud. There’s no need to return to the site for further measurements or estimations. Additionally, Spike offers language support for both Spanish and Portugese.
With 30 years of experience in the sign and digital graphics market, Digidelta is the largest sign supply distributor in the Iberian Peninsula, supporting Spain and Portugal. Digidelta offers solutions for a variety of sign and digital graphics applications, including digital printing, cut vinyl and print finishing. Not only is Digitdelta a supplier but it is also a manufacturer of products, including its own brand of consumables for printing, Decal, and LED technology for digital content, NetScreen.
“We believe in helping our sign and graphics clients succeed by providing them with the industry’s most innovative products, whether we partner with top technology providers or manufacture our own products,” says Armando Mota da Silva, business development director of Digidelta. “Spike is one of those products we knew needed in our product portfolio. We immediately recognized the significance of Spike for our customers and want to make sure that all sign shops have the opportunity to reap the benefits from incorporating Spike into their business.”
For more information on purchasing Spike in Spain or Portugal, contact Digidelta at www.digidelta.pt.

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